Kristy brought me this bike and it was looking pretty rough. She wanted a "bee" scheme and this was basically what she came up with. The taping was a whole new ball game with powder, but in the end it was looking pretty sweet. I also painted the cranks as you can see in the picture below! I have a few more pictures of it as well, so check my online albums for those!
I also painted a bike of my own this past weekend, and I figured I would throw up a few pics of that. This bike is actually another modified Salsa La Cruz, done once again by Mr. Erik Noren of Peacock Groove. Not quite as much modifying this time, but cantilever studs once again. I again painted my rims to match, but this time I build the bike up with a Shimano 600, 7spd group. So far, I'm liking the fit and also the downtube shifters. I also put some 35c cross tires on here, and I like the extra cush alot as well.
As usual, I have more pics in my online album, so feel free to check them out and let me know what you think!