My website is up and looking good and I am finally getting a post up on my sweet new blog. Enough thanks can't go out to my super amazing cousin Tara for helping me with all of this!!! She is probably the best graphic designer ever really. Her stupendous website is linked to from my links page, so do me a favor and check out her work. And once again, thanks Tara!!!!
So in other headlines, I finished up my new single speed bike a couple weeks ago and I finally got the chance to snap a couple of pictures! The frame is a Salsa La Cruz, but it has been modified a bit by Mr.Erik Noren of Peacock Groove. He put some cantilever studs on here, as well as some new semi-horizontal drops. When he was starting the work, a crack was found in the seat stay, so he ended up putting on a whole new rear triangle. We picked out bigger tubing to make it extra strong for a guy my size. I've been riding it for a couple weeks now, and it's been great!!!!
This winter I also took on painting a fleet of 4 bikes for Mr.David Cory. He rides for HUP united and was looking to get a team scheme done on his bikes. I'll be posting some pics of his bikes up on my picasa account as well, so check them out!!
That's all I got for now, but check back and maybe I'll have something new!!
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