It's happened! I am officially powdercoating stuff!!
It took a bit to get the oven all finished, but it is now and it cooks like no other. I was going to take some pictures of it, but I promptly forgot about that. I did take a few pictures though of the first 2 bikes I have coated.
This white bike is the first bike/anything that I coated. It turned out pretty alright and the durability seems to be quite awesome. I'm putting more pics up in my picasa album and also on flickr, so if you wanna see more of this guy, check it out there!
I know it's been a while since my first real post, and a lot has been happening, it's just that I'm not the best at updating this things. But I'm going to try to get better at that and keep you all (whoever that is) informed of what is going on in the world of AP.
This past weekend I also painted a couple of Civias. I only took pictures of the one, but I am pretty happy with how this one turned out. The pin striping on the fenders took a bit, but all in all I think it will be a pretty classy looking bike when it is all assembled. It hasn't been painted yet, but I am also painting a stem to match.
And as always, more pictures of this beauty up on Picasa and Flickr!
Well I think this is about all I have for now, check back though and maybe there will be more...
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